Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My First Adventure

I am not a blogger. I don't know the 'rules' but I'm a 'think outside the box' type anyway.   

So, today was my first day. I mean, I drove! Shocker. I had 3 stops. Here goes. 

First I had to get an x-ray at the hospital of my spine/neck to see how the fusion is doing. I have been there so often I could run the joint.  Every time I am there, a machine breaks. Namely the one I need.  Today was no different. Got my x-ray, which was a plus because last time that machine broke.  Asked the tech if I could take a quick photo of the image, even though I will get a CD of it. Nope!   This boggles my mind. It is my body, I am paying for it, but no.  Sat outside the room waiting for the CD of the images.  Well, the server went down. So I can't get it until tomorrow, which means another trip, another stop, blah.  Asked then if I could take a photo. Nope! 

Then I went grocery shopping. This was big. I was out in public doing something normal! It has been 6 weeks.   I did ok, but although I have never had children, Lamaze came in handy.  I only freaked out a few times. First when I could not find the vinegar. Then when I got to the pork tenderloin and the entire section was empty.  Nothing in back either. Now I don't need the vinegar.. was going to make pulled pork in the crock pot.  Simple things, when you are in pain, steal your already empty reserves.   When I got to the check out I knew it was too much, too soon for my body. I could not look down without my vision escaping me.  

The woman in front of me was using a food stamp card. It was not going through. In my hand I had my own brand new food stamp, link card. I have never used one - first timer. The checker and customer looked at my items while they waited for help, and I showed the lady in front of me my card, and said with a smile, "I'm next".  Ice breaker for us all.  She looked at me, glanced up and down and said " Are you buying for someone too?"  I said "Yes, myself".   She quickly said how she was a home care helper. Then a manager came, the issue resolved and she was on her way.  When I paid, it was fine, but two managers were there, as the checker was new, and nervous. I explained how I am new at this card thing too, so we were a perfect match. Plus it was not busy so I was not self conscious. I did not realize that paper towels and things like that, non edibles, are not covered. I asked how to tell what is covered on my receipt, and the manager showed me.

I noticed the second manager a while back during this. She had a gash across her neck.  I walked pushing my cart, doing my Lamaze, throat was closing in on me due to muscle spasms, exhausted, I called out to her.  She turned and saw my scar. I said, I noticed you have had surgery on your neck. So, we talked for quite a while, even though I could have used some water and a chair badly.  Guardian angels in our midst are not to be overlooked. 

Then I drove to the pharmacy. Picked up 4 refills.  On my final stretch of road back to my house, I thought about how such a usual trip was so big for me now. How I have had to toss aside some misconceptions and not judge others based on what I may guess by looking at them. This has been going on for a few years now, but this was just another layer, another moment of realization. Another petal. This lesson, although I would never choose this way of learning it, is huge. So huge that I wish more people were actually able to experience it first hand. How much more humble and kind we would each be, if we were stripped of what we think gives us a certain status, mark, or grade. 

When I got home, I unloaded groceries little by little and put the bags inside the fence in the yard. I knew I was overdoing it, but had to get things in the house.  I took one load to the house and opened the door to release the wild hounds (two spoiled beagles) that live with me.  In the minute it took me to get those groceries on the counter and back outside, Mags had opened the potato chips and run around the yard with the bag, creating a confetti chip affect. So, the chips are half gone, and if yours has dirt on it, consider it natural. She was now romping happily with a bag of dog treats, while Lyla ate potato chips.  She truly is for sale. Today's price is a nickel.  

So, that's it. My first adventure. I am exhausted. Just seeing my car outside of the garage is a big deal. Many muscles are shaking, throat is so tight, pain pain pain, and I am going to rest. Tomorrow I go to see my neurosurgeon for a check up and will start physical therapy from there.  

   More soon! Sending out the best to you. 
   Sharon Rose 


  1. Proud of you! You may inspire me to start my blog up again. ♡

  2. Thank you Vicky! You inspire me!

  3. You are a natural! Fabulous first blog - congratulations!

  4. Hooray! This is a great blog! :)

  5. Great start! I totally get it.

  6. Its awesome! Glad to see all your comments. Its a great feeling to have comments on the actual blog. :-)

    1. I want to follow your blog Janie, what is the name again?
