Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Yes, I am outraged. Yes, my will is strong. Yes, I am weary.

After a week of a relaxing "time-out" in Florida, today I hit the ground "running", sorta.  
   First up, I saw my pain management Dr. I like him, he thinks about things.  He wants me to go to Mayo Clinic. This fall we did a stimulator trial in my head.  It was helpful, but due to a bleeding disorder, I am unable to have it put in the epidural space like a normal person would, so the leads do not go to all the places that they could, so much of the pain remained untouched during the trial.    As we moved forward for the final implant, I had several MRI's done, because MRI's can not be done after a stimulator is implanted. 
1. My neck. I just had ACDF surgery on C4-C5 in February. Surprisingly, the next level down is now listed as "obliterated" on that new MRI report.   So now, I have an issue that surgery won't help at the skull level, craniocervical instability, abnormal atlanto axial angle, and an issue at the first unfused level, C5-C6 down to T1. 
2. My knees. This has been a life long issue, after 4 knee surgeries, dislocations (with a nod to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome), falls, limitations, etc.  Well, not surprisingly, the MRI's clarify, they are both awful, congenital dysplasia, severe chronic subluxation, where the groove of the joint should be, I have a huge bump of bone, all cartilage is gone - bone on bone, I asked my Dr if it should just say "both knees - smithereens", and he said yes. I explained to him how congenital dysplasia is due to Klippel-Feil Syndrome. I had read about this, and sent a tweet to a knee surgeon with a view of my scans, to verify this earlier this year, and was told yes, that is what it was. Scary that we have to dig up the information ourselves.  The knee that I told the Dr today was the "better" one that I rely on, he tells me no, actually that one is worse, don't rely on that one! Ha. 

Ok back to Mayo. My Dr wants me to go there, to find out more about the bleeding disorder, which has been diagnosed as Von Willebrand Disease but the treatment used has never helped me, so he wants more info, which I understand and have questioned in the past. The last round of injections he did for my chronic debilitating head pain, resulted in 2 huge black eyes, due to blood pooling. He can not do any epidurals to help with pain, and does not feel comfortable with any further lumbar punctures until we know more. This info could greatly impact my pain treatment paths, telling us what is safe and what is not.  However, I have to stop another 2 medications that keep me from bleeding (as a woman), for two weeks prior and during the trip/duration at Mayo, so the whole ordeal is less than pleasant.

He wants me to see Neurology to rule out Intracranial Hypertension, which is more tricky since the lumbar puncture is not allowed.   He wants them to look at other neurological items that could be contributing to the symptoms as well. 

But here is the thing. Mayo Clinic does not address, acknowledge or treat Klippel-Feil Syndrome.  So Neurology will not deal with it. They will avoid it, and say nothing about it. KFS is invisible to them. 

I told him this when he first suggested Mayo. I knew this was the case. He studied there and did not understand why. Sure enough today he said I was correct.   

 I am outraged. Having a patient who has been to 5 states and countless specialists, go on another extended trip for healthcare, to spend more money that I don't have, to sit in exam rooms, with a team of world renowned Dr's....while the BEAST that is Klippel-Feil Syndrome is right there, along with it's grimy buddies (associated conditions), and ignore the very thing that has caused all the issues, is a cruel and hellish position to put a patient in.  

I do not know, at this point, if I can do it!  I can't just sit there, again,  while they blow it off and tell me KFS is nothing. What kind of healthcare is that?  Just because you don't know anything about KFS, because it is rare, does not mean it is not causing major issues in my life!  I know better. I am fearful of what will happen if they do that.. I might just completely flip out!  I know countless adults who are dealing with this same crap every day! This is an injustice! We matter! We have lives and dreams! Yes I am yelling!

  But who do I write to now?  Do I write to Dr's at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, or other well known pediatrics centers that treat Klippel-Feil Syndrome and offer a team, and multidisciplinary care, who listen to parents,  and see their concerns and help them, and say "We have a huge problem here, today's kids are dumped into the dark abyss as adults, and how can we change this? Who can help adults that are in the eye of the storm today?"   

The gap between care for children and adults, for the same condition, is a kick in the gut. My gut. Your gut.    What do we do? Do we make one letter and do a mass mailing to the top Childrens Hospitals?  What is our plan of action?
When I sit in Mayo and I implore them to please embrace KFS patients, get a grip, and learn about it, they will say it is "nothing". Well, that is crazy... it is something!  We need treatments and compassion, not a brush off! 
I am typing randomly here, but something MUST be done. WHAT?     

But as life goes, after my visit, which, by the way, included another referral to a knee replacement surgeon, for 2 knee replacements at age 43, which I have already been told is a no-no for me, I had to turn all of this off, and go to work. I love my job, but, trying to function normally, as my body freaks out, and has relentless pulling and pain, and present at an important meeting, and then drive home thinking again, about this!

Tomorrow is  Work, then seeing my Neurologist, who is also great, but does not think Mayo will get me anywhere. We are sitting down to write a letter regarding my limitations, for disability, he is signing my medical marijuana paperwork, and then I am heading home to pass out.  Life is so different now. 

Sometimes I truly feel I am trying to navigate a ship I cannot steer.  
~Wolves and Ravens

Pressing on. 
Sharon Rose 

P.S.  I am now advocating at Klippel-Feil Syndrome Freedom.  
Join me! 

Monday, July 28, 2014

God, Healing & Gentleness

About 7 years ago I found myself attending a spirit filled church. I did for 3 or 4 years.  I gave there and gained there.  Ultimately is was the people part that just messed it up.  So, I have God in me, and I believe in Him.. but not so much peoples interpretations, opinions, behavior, etc.  I am open to what the universe has to offer, the energy and a higher power- God. You won't hear me talk about it much anymore, because it's personal. 

During that time, I had an encounter where a pastor from Wales (my pastor was from Ireland and we had many visitors from overseas) spoke a message that was, to this day, a moment that stands out and comes up to the surface often.  Basically he spoke directly to people with physical deformities. At the time, I had no idea my skull and spine and bones were deformed, other than my knees. My knees were the issue since childhood. Anyway, he called everyone up who had any physical issue, relating to bones. I was very certain I was to go up. A close friend even turned around and said "Um, your knees Sharon, go up."  I was not a go-er upper.  So fine, I went up to the front near where he was speaking.  I can't kneel so I sat down on the floor.  I was kind of creeped out, but also open.  

The pastor said several things that were pretty clear for me, although there were a few others on the floor too. Well, then he came down off of the stage, and came right over to me. He got down on the ground in front of me. He said some things, that I have no doubt, were for me and my bones.  But he said something I will never forget "Gentleness of Christ".  He said that while touching my head several times.  It was a night I will probably never forget. 

For the next week, I felt the strangest "reworking" in my heart, I literally physically felt stretched or something was aching in my heart.  I was driving to a meeting for work, and I passed an elderly man walking to a store. I was at a stop light and I just glanced over at him, and something I can't explain happened. I felt his pain so strongly. I felt so clearly that he was truly suffering and needed help. I said a prayer for him, and noticed he was walking into a pharmacy.  

I will never forget that man. I felt like I had some healing thing going on. That I have some purpose in the healing thing. I had some message given to heal. From God. Yes. Crazy, but true. I mean, I had pain, namely from my knees, but what was I going to do with this seed, and what was it? I mean, me? I had a few more incidents where I would see someone and feel their pain. I was going nuts! I told a close friend at the time, that there was something I was to do about healing, and let it sail onward, released.  I did several searches on Gentleness of Christ, and have not found much, not really sure what it means for me, but I have remembered it, like a puzzle yet to be solved. I do not consider myself to be Gentle. Step one?

When I learned about Klippel-Feil Syndrome, I have had a bit of thankfulness that I did not know sooner, that God kept it until I needed to know more, and could handle more, and that my knees were not nearly all of what was going on in this body. But also,  I was ticked, I still am a bit ticked.  I mean, KFS has smeared a lot of my goals and dreams!  That whole, 'God has plans for you' thing has, in fact, shown itself, and it's been kind of a bummer!

Years have passed. I have not been as sure of God in some ways, but in others, I know he is there, and I do connect and pay attention, etc. Mostly now, my days are about battling pain. Severe, relentless pain. I will do anything, and have tried most everything, and nothing is too small or too silly, to kick it's ass. But lately, this "Gentleness of Christ" thing has come up, it keeps swarming through me, around me, surfacing.  Along with realizing I have had some spite and anger about a few things, and how it has related to dealing with Klippel-Feil Syndrome day to day.  

Interested to see how it all unfolds, and how my purpose will continue to bloom and keep budding, while keeping the thorns under control. 

Here's to healing, gently!
Sharon Rose 

For I,’ says the Lord, ‘will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.’”

The Spiritual War ] Now I, Paul, myself am pleading with you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ—who in presence am lowly among you, but being absent am bold toward you.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Key To The Unknown

Haven't blogged in a while. Have been trying to decide what this period of days has been about. I guess it's about the journey.

About a month ago I found an old key on the floor in my garage out the blue. I have lived here for 10 years. There are keys, old antique keys all over the place, and they seem to show up with a reason. So when this key arrived, I washed it and put it on my window sill. For days I asked "What are you about?"  Weeks passed and I look at it and know it's about something, but what?    I still don't know exactly,  but I know it means something.

First, I had surgery 3 1/2 months ago to fuse my cervical spine at C4-C5.  I can say now, that it has not helped me with any symptoms or head pain I suffer from due to Klippel-Feil Syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Cervical Dystonia.  I knew the surgery was not really addressing the area causing head pain, but I had hope. I hoped my arms and hands would improve.

Still in pain, I have now had to regroup and gear up- again. I have been to so many Dr's that I just have had to really pull my boots on and say "Now what?" and fight back the feeling that I am chasing something I will never find, and that I need to focus on other things and just  realize that this is how it will always be for me, a life limited, in pain, unable to function, be social, drive farther than 15 minutes, etc.

While healing from surgery, I spoke to a Dr in Ohio on the phone. I had sent him my scans last fall, in October. He reviewed them and called me in March. I have elongated styloids, a condition called Eagles Syndrome, which are long thin bones that come down under your jaw basically from your skull. They can cause issues with your jugular veins when they are long and compress on them. I had seen 2 other Dr's about this and both basically blew me off.  But the Dr in Ohio, Dr F,  spent time with me on the phone. He felt that I really need botox injected at certain places in my SCM's (sternocleidomastoid muscles) to try and help the Cervical Dystonia, as a first step. BUT I could not find anyone to do them agressively.

After I saw my neurosurgeon post op, and she really was not interested in my pain and ongoing symptoms,  I saw my Physical Therapist. I asked him for his opinion. I told him exactly the symptoms in my head, and he believes it is at the brainstem level. Well yes, I do have issues with my bones and craniocervical instability at that level. But no Dr has been able to address that level.  He called a Dr he knows, who is not taking in new patients. He does injections and he injects botox as well. My PT helped me get in. Next week I will go see this Dr to discuss a few options. Some I have already investigated and seen other specialists to discuss with no outcome, some I have already done! But maybe he will have some ideas and insight.

I saw my headache Dr. We discussed my options again. Long story short, I tried Lyrica, and stopped Lyrica. I saw my Psychologist, and told her how I just couldn't trade in one bag of symptoms for another bag of symptoms that we call medication side effects.Neither bag is acceptable.  She understood. I had to ask her if I was really off track to be looking for new solutions again? That is how much this path wears on a person after years of searching, being exhausted, and hurting.  She always assures me that no, I am to keep looking if that is how I feel. That if I am suffering and need some balance of what amount of pain and symptoms are "ok", I must keep looking as long as my gut tells me that is the option.

Yesterday I went to my Neurologist. Dr K.  He usually does my botox in my back and neck. So I came prepared with my information, which is like a book at this point.   He agreed to do the injections at the exact places that the ENT suggested. He is so down to earth and understanding.

But here is the interesting part...  
I told him how my surgery has not really helped me, not my hands/arms/head pain. He had said before surgery that he did not think it would help me pain wise but maybe my arms and hands.
So he tells me that he has had surgery for carpel tunnel - TWICE in one hand.  He said that the first time he has relief for a few days, and then it was gone. That the second time he saw a different specialist, and did the EMG and decided to have surgery again.  He said that it has not helped him. Here he is a neurologist, and his hand is has the tingling/pain and issues, and this is his area of expertise!  I knew about carpel tunnel because another Neurologist had tested me years ago when I began this journey. I mentioned the Neurologists name, and he said he knows him, and that he is now on their team.  I just had to laugh.
 Knowing what I do about the EMG test and how I was always getting results that were "ok" but my hands and arms are hurting and tingling and spasming, and that other KFS patients have the same results... my jaw was on the floor.
I said "So, what gives?"  I told him how after surgery I told my surgeon I felt better in my hands.    But that has passed.  He said he had the same thing. He said that he truly thinks some of it is the anesthetic affects... you feel ok because it is medicated at that point.   He said he now refuses EMG's, that the test is not detecting all of the nerve pathways.  This is what I have come to believe, but to hear it from him... such validation.  So, here is a skilled neurologist who is having the same issues as we are, first hand, excuse the pun! So he gets it! He sees the flaws in the testing and treatment.  Mind you this is all being discussed as I am getting injections of botox in painful muscles using an EMG. Ha!

He asks me "So, how are you?"  I was not sure what he meant, so I said "Mentally?" He said "Yeah, you just had this big surgery and here you are in the same place!"  I said "Well, I have a choice, I can lay down on the couch forever and take meds that make me wacked out with side effects, and do nothing, or I can keep searching. I have at least 40 more years and this is not acceptable to me."  He laughed, but he got it.

I told him how I had just called another Dr in Maryland and sent another package of my CD's in the mail this week on Monday, with my records and  information.  He wondered if I get positive responses when I call like that. He knows I have been doing this for over 4 years.  I said sometimes yes and sometimes no. I think he was surprised by my level of persistence. He told me that nobody locally is going to know what to do with my cranial cervical junction.

Then I told him, I guess I never have, about the Klippel-Feil Syndrome Alliance and the FB page. He asked how many people were following. I told him 2300.  He was shocked. He was really amazed. He repeated it a few times. I told him how people's Dr's look up KFS and somehow find my name and contact me. Again he was shocked.  I asked him to take a look at the page. Told him how there are articles and notes that myself and others have found and collected.
As I left I said "Well, we are in the failed surgery club!" see you soon!

I left the appointment sore from the injections, on my way back to work, but also feeling good. Feeling heard and validated. Feeling like there WAS good happening here along the way. The impact matters, the learning and understanding matters. Telling people matters.

So that's it. Not sure what the point was, or what that key I found means, but when I look at it, I feel it is about all that is to come, yet to unfold and be discovered for the greater good.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Make Time to Relax

As I have begun physical therapy & returned to work post-op, the pace has picked up. Mind you, the pace is much less than I was accustomed to before chronic pain, but the effort is much more.  This is another area where I have had to learn new ways to function at my personal best. 
  Often, I need to plow through the days, and try as hard as possible to put the pain & fatigue out of my mind to accomplish things at home and at work. This concept is easier said than done.  When I get to the end of my work, which may consist of several days of pushing past pain, to complete tasks, I don't even realize how riled up my body & mind have become. The pain is severe, but over time, I have learned to compartmentalize it to some extent, to carry on. 
   I check in with where my body truly is. Is my body need of some focus on the pain that continues, to help release it, regroup and settle a bit? Yes, typically it is in need of relaxation. 
Please watch. 

Here are two video's that I have turned to recently. Lillian Eden has others that are useful as well. Take time out. This is a survival tool. Grab a pillow, glass of water (wine?), a blanket, ice pack, heating pad, essential oils, or warm neck wrap to make the most of this valuable time. At first these may seem strange, but be open, lie down and really allow this time for you & your well being. Close your eyes and breathe...

Unforgotten Inner Wellness

Healing Journey

Sending you the best,
Sharon Rose

Sunday, April 6, 2014

This Helmet's Too Tight

I am in pain.  Now you are thinking, "Who isn't?"
I agree, everyone is suffering in some way, as is the human condition.  But for now, I am going to talk about pain.  Be prepared to check out one sentence in.

I wake up. There it is. The pressure in my entire skull, the tightness in my neck. The intense, dull, very unhappy feeling in my forehead and at the base of the back of my head. I describe it as having a heavy football helmet, that is too small, jammed on my head forever. Constant, relentless, unretractable, debilitating pressure & pain.  I stay still and wonder if I can pretend it is not there. I try to release it from my mind. I even question myself, are you really in pain? I try to kick it out in these ways.

But its been well over 4 years of this. It will be 5 years in September, but who's counting? I know pain will be the monkey on my back again today.  A tireless, jumping, screeching monkey.  I will try to drown this beast again today, regardless if I am up for the battle.

I have a rare skeletal disease called Klippel-Feil Syndrome. It has causes boney malformations. I have them in my knees. I have them from the base of my skull down my neck. This is where the brainstem and spinal cord hang out. These deformities cause my body to compensate. This has caused Cervical Dystonia. My neck muscles are in a constant tight restricted place. My nerves are ticked. They are constantly sending me a 911 signal. They are desperate. I am desperate to help them, to help myself.

I have tried basically everything. I go back to the things in my arsenal to try again because it is all I have. When it is a rare condition, the understanding with the medical community is few and far between.  The options for care are few. The solutions don't come easily. But I keep trying what is available.  I want to fix it and get back to living fully.  I did not choose this and I want it gone, but you can't change anatomy.

It is at a point with friends, that when I say "My head hurts.", and I only say it when my head is really hurting, or if they ask, there is silence. They have nothing to offer and I know it. It becomes a drag. Who wants to be around someone who is always saying they hurt?  I get that.

So, day to day, on the outside, I smile, I put on quite an act! I overdo, I push, I try to keep up. I am a badass. But then... it's just plain bad.  My body is not cooperating in the slightest.  I would not be able to comprehend it at all, from the outside looking in. I mean, who has a constant headache for over 4 1/2 years? That's not possible!  But it is. My downtime is literally me, on the couch, trying to let my body calm down because the pain is so beyond control. This is not what I want to be doing, at all.

I am trying to learn to accept the things I cannot change. In this case, pain. How to live with the pain, and enjoy life?  I do the things I enjoy, but it is not the same, you are constantly pushing past the screeching monkey. Reading, for example, is lost on me now. The positions you use to read, no matter what I try, cause such pain in my head, that thoughts and vision are wonky.  I still try to read, but it's not that same enjoyment. The next time you read, imagine the monkey. Imagine the small football helmet.

Yesterday, was a nice day in Chicagoland. Glimmers of spring are on the horizon.  I did a light chore outside. Halfway though, due to head position, which does something to my head that no Dr has attempted to figure out, I was unable to see what I was doing. My vision gets funny, and not in a ha-ha way. I was so disoriented. I was forced to stop. My mind and vision were a jumble. My upper back was a knot.  So, its back to the couch. Blah.

This is very difficult! I am a do'er. I like to fix things around the house, to paint, to be active. I want to take my dogs to the park, go to the movies, or go out to eat.  But my body says nope! I could do these things, I could push, but the slice of enjoyment would later be replaced by such heightened discomfort that I know better. I am getting so restless and frustrated in the pain. I get anxious due to this crazy pain monkey screeching this 911 signal in my ear, and knowing I have no true solution. I must be in it, and use the tools I have. Pain patches, medications, nerve blocks, therapies, meditation, mindful meditation, positive affirmations, prayer, relaxation, soft music, etc.

I think I am done searching for a miracle Dr for now. I am tired of hearing from some healthcare professionals, who don't take the time to invest, "Klippel-Feil Syndrome doesn't cause pain."  I am here to say, "It can, and it does! Get your head out of your ass!"  I had fusion surgery in February, to try and alleviate some of the issues. I am still healing. Hoping it will help, but it won't take away the conditions, they are still blaring. No "world renowned" Dr has entertained the idea of helping the issue at my skull, too risky, or else they dismiss the issue, trying to get me out the door.

If you read this, thanks for sticking with me.  I have no real point here. I just needed to purge.

I remember when your head caught flame
It kissed your scalp and caressed your brain
Well you laughed and said
Baby it's ok, it's buzzcut season anyway!

Lorde- Buzzcut Season

Sharon Rose

Friday, March 28, 2014

Rogue Rose

This song passionately calls to me, 
as people from around the world dealing with 
Klippel-Feil Syndrome and associated conditions 
find solace in coming together, on equal ground, many times after a lifetime of feeling alone. 

May our paths be enriched as we continue to gather. 
The lyrics are rich in spirit and heart, as are you. - Sharon Rose 

"Shoulder to Shoulder Around the Fire"   By Rogue Valley 

Well I haven't been sleeping all that well
My mind is a constant carousel where the horses run wild
Until the boardwalk ends
Each one has a rider and I think I know them

These faces familiar, with eyes so deep
Like craters or novels or instinct
I tell them my troubles; all of my cold conflicts
There are no answers sometimes, there is no fix

So we stand shoulder to shoulder we stand side by side
We stand shoulder to shoulder around the fire
We stand shoulder to shoulder we stand side by side
There is no burden to shoulder alone this time

Well my mind keeps on racing; it's a speeding car
Through wastelands and gardens wide and far
And the cities all crumble brick by brick
While I'm stuck on the top floor watching it give

We stand shoulder to shoulder we stand side by side
We stand shoulder to shoulder around the fire
We stand shoulder to shoulder we stand side by side
There is no burden to shoulder alone this time

© 2011 Chris Koza & Rogue Valley

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Revised Rose

This blog is going to be about revisions in my life, due to rare congenital conditions that have changed my path and brought me down avenues I never knew existed. I will be frank. I will expose things because I believe we must open the doors regarding what happens to an adult facing this situation.   In future posts I will share more about Klippel-Feil Syndrome and the associated conditions I face, with the hope that it will bring forth positive change. 

Yesterday I went to physical therapy for my first post op assessment. Mind you, I have been to PT many times before. This time, I went to a guy who does IMS therapy. I looked him up in advance because this is one of the few therapies I have not yet tried, and a few with KFS (Klippel-Feil Syndrome) have said it has been beneficial for their muscles/bodies. I am glad that I will be doing therapy with this therapist, Matt. I explained how I had a career that I love, and can barely make it through 10 hours a week now.

  Eventually I will point out the window, to the building across the street and tell him I did the interior design and selected several exterior elements, that he sees daily, 
and change his view of that building forever.

He asked me to explain KFS, and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.  I did.  He then said to me "Ok, so this operation was to prevent further issues, and hopefully help you with your function of hands, neck, back, but you are still living with these diseases and it is ongoing."  Ok, he just got 5 stars!

I can't tell you how that rings true, and to hear it, will help me moving forward post-op. You see, people tend to think surgery will "fix" you. Yes, in some respects, but when you have ongoing conditions, you aren't "fixed". The issues remain. The main issue for me, at my skull, is inoperable. This is not something, as much as I hope and believe in my heart, that will just go away.  Accepting that, understanding it, and moving onward, is important, not just for me, but for everyone around me.

Matt also said, that if I have any questions, concerns, or issues relating to what we work on, to call him, any day. He said my scar has developed as a Keloid (thanks Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) and he can fix that with some tape and pressure, etc. Before he left, he said I have had enough people turn me away, and not understand, and not help me, for far too long.   That statement was huge, and true. 

I will see him twice a week, he worked on my first rib a lot on both sides, and felt my muscles and bones to get an idea of what is going on. 

Then I went to get my taxes done. This has kept me up at night. To be open and honest,  I had to take a chunk of my 401K out, to pay for medical and living expenses this past year. Gulp. I knew had to pay a huge amount in taxes this year on that amount, now, when I filed my taxes. I was ready, but kissing that money goodbye, was just another petal falling to the floor. My money that I worked hard for, my retirement money-gone. But my tax lady really worked with me, we calculated all my Dr expenses, dental expenses, and travel, gas, food, hotels, and it came out better than expected.  She really is on my side and each year she has just pushed along with me. She said when my disability is accepted, we can go after an addendum to get some of the money back, because it was removed due to medical hardship. We have honest conversations about tough things in our lives. I actually like getting my taxes done because of her. Thanks Lenore. 

Then I came home and was just so wiped out.  My dear friend Cathy, stopped by for a quick hug and a gift exchange. Thank you Cathy I so enjoy you.
I was done. My head just pounds constantly, all the time. I wish I could explain what the chronic symptoms do to you. This was a big day, two chores. Yikes!
I can't go to stores, or do something fun or social, or go to an event without it. Chronic pain is relentless in it's chase. I often get up and go into another room, just hoping it will stay in the first room! There is no off switch, no matter how I search for it.

However, as a song says "Everything that drowns me, makes me wanna fly".
Because I want to change it, turn it around, improve, shine on, and make it better. Please.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My First Adventure

I am not a blogger. I don't know the 'rules' but I'm a 'think outside the box' type anyway.   

So, today was my first day. I mean, I drove! Shocker. I had 3 stops. Here goes. 

First I had to get an x-ray at the hospital of my spine/neck to see how the fusion is doing. I have been there so often I could run the joint.  Every time I am there, a machine breaks. Namely the one I need.  Today was no different. Got my x-ray, which was a plus because last time that machine broke.  Asked the tech if I could take a quick photo of the image, even though I will get a CD of it. Nope!   This boggles my mind. It is my body, I am paying for it, but no.  Sat outside the room waiting for the CD of the images.  Well, the server went down. So I can't get it until tomorrow, which means another trip, another stop, blah.  Asked then if I could take a photo. Nope! 

Then I went grocery shopping. This was big. I was out in public doing something normal! It has been 6 weeks.   I did ok, but although I have never had children, Lamaze came in handy.  I only freaked out a few times. First when I could not find the vinegar. Then when I got to the pork tenderloin and the entire section was empty.  Nothing in back either. Now I don't need the vinegar.. was going to make pulled pork in the crock pot.  Simple things, when you are in pain, steal your already empty reserves.   When I got to the check out I knew it was too much, too soon for my body. I could not look down without my vision escaping me.  

The woman in front of me was using a food stamp card. It was not going through. In my hand I had my own brand new food stamp, link card. I have never used one - first timer. The checker and customer looked at my items while they waited for help, and I showed the lady in front of me my card, and said with a smile, "I'm next".  Ice breaker for us all.  She looked at me, glanced up and down and said " Are you buying for someone too?"  I said "Yes, myself".   She quickly said how she was a home care helper. Then a manager came, the issue resolved and she was on her way.  When I paid, it was fine, but two managers were there, as the checker was new, and nervous. I explained how I am new at this card thing too, so we were a perfect match. Plus it was not busy so I was not self conscious. I did not realize that paper towels and things like that, non edibles, are not covered. I asked how to tell what is covered on my receipt, and the manager showed me.

I noticed the second manager a while back during this. She had a gash across her neck.  I walked pushing my cart, doing my Lamaze, throat was closing in on me due to muscle spasms, exhausted, I called out to her.  She turned and saw my scar. I said, I noticed you have had surgery on your neck. So, we talked for quite a while, even though I could have used some water and a chair badly.  Guardian angels in our midst are not to be overlooked. 

Then I drove to the pharmacy. Picked up 4 refills.  On my final stretch of road back to my house, I thought about how such a usual trip was so big for me now. How I have had to toss aside some misconceptions and not judge others based on what I may guess by looking at them. This has been going on for a few years now, but this was just another layer, another moment of realization. Another petal. This lesson, although I would never choose this way of learning it, is huge. So huge that I wish more people were actually able to experience it first hand. How much more humble and kind we would each be, if we were stripped of what we think gives us a certain status, mark, or grade. 

When I got home, I unloaded groceries little by little and put the bags inside the fence in the yard. I knew I was overdoing it, but had to get things in the house.  I took one load to the house and opened the door to release the wild hounds (two spoiled beagles) that live with me.  In the minute it took me to get those groceries on the counter and back outside, Mags had opened the potato chips and run around the yard with the bag, creating a confetti chip affect. So, the chips are half gone, and if yours has dirt on it, consider it natural. She was now romping happily with a bag of dog treats, while Lyla ate potato chips.  She truly is for sale. Today's price is a nickel.  

So, that's it. My first adventure. I am exhausted. Just seeing my car outside of the garage is a big deal. Many muscles are shaking, throat is so tight, pain pain pain, and I am going to rest. Tomorrow I go to see my neurosurgeon for a check up and will start physical therapy from there.  

   More soon! Sending out the best to you. 
   Sharon Rose